Where does Dr Kalamaras operate?

Dr Kalamaras operates at Gold Coast Private Hospital for adult elective and emergency surgery. He also operates at Pindara Private Hospital for paediatric and emergency surgery after hours. Parking is available on site at Gold Coast Private Hospital and on site at Pindara Hospital.

Further information about these hospitals is available from the respective hospital websites at the following links:

Gold Coast Private Hospital »

Pindara Private Hospital »

Where is your consulting room?

Dr Kalamaras’ clinic is located at: 

Level 6, Premion Place
Corner of Queen and High St
Southport QLD

What will I be charged?

When you make your appointment, our staff will be able to advise you of the surgeon’s fees for the consultation and what rebate you will receive. Our staff are fully informed about charges and rebates and will be able to help you understand any surgical costs.

What are the Medicare rules about referrals to Specialists?

If you want Medicare to help to pay for specialist medical services at the referred rate, it is essential to discuss your condition and possible referral with your family doctor before you see the Specialist. Please note that the backdating of referrals is illegal and can result in heavy fines and prison sentences. If you have any questions about seeing medical specialists or about the Medicare Benefits system, please ask your family doctor or contact Medicare on 13 20 11.

Do I need to have private health insurance?

Private health insurance allows you and your family to access the right health services at the right time. You have control of your health care and can choose the provider, facility and timing of your treatment. With the security and protection of private health insurance, you have access to private hospitals and can rest assured that your health is in good hands.

What should I bring with me when I come for an appointment?

When you come for your appointment remember to bring:

  • Referral letter from your General Practitioner (GP), family physician or other doctor.
  • Medicare or Veteran Affairs card.
  • Private health insurance card.
  • Copies of operation records, medical records, x-rays, MRI scans, CT scans from prior doctor visits.
  • If you have seen a hand therapist or physiotherapist, please bring a progress letter from the therapist.
  • If you have had surgery elsewhere, please bring a copy of your operation report.
  • It may also be useful to bring any information relevant to your medical history, such as current medication, allergies and ongoing medical problems.
Do I need a doctor's referral to make an appointment with Dr Kalamaras?

As a Specialist clinic, patients need referral from their General Practitioner, family physician or other doctor to make an appointment with Dr Kalamaras.